Telephoning: Showing interest and ending a call

Interes za ono što osoba s kojom razgovaramo govori ili pita možemo izraziti s Certainly, what do you need to know? ili I look forward to getting it (ako se radi o e-mailu recimo). Tako razgovor može zvučati ovako: 

–   The reason I’m calling is to ask you a question about our appointment on Monday. 

  • Certainly, what do you need to know?
  • Well, I would like to prepare a presentation about our project. Could you tell me if we will have enough time for me to show it?
  • Of course! I look forward to seeing it. 

Kada želimo završiti razgovor, reći ćemo OK, I think that’s everything ili Right, I think that’s all I need to know, nakon čega koristimo I’ll see you on… Thank you. Goodbye, ili That’s great, I’ll see you on

Ponovite izraze koje smo obradili u ove četiri radionice i bezbrižno se upustite u sljedeći telefonski razgovor na engleskome jeziku!

Literatura: Intermediate Market Leader, David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, Pearson Education Limited, 2015.